The Stop Redshift Clusters action can be used to stopone or more Redshift clusters at a specific time of day. Once the clusters have been stopped, they can optionally be restarted after they have been stopped for a specific amount of time.
For example, 5 clusters can be stopped at 8pm and restarted 8 hours later with a single Stop Redshift Clusters action.
Please see Common Action Settings for a description of settings common to all action types.
Indicates the method in which the Redshift clusters will be selected. Possible options include:
All Redshift Clusters
By Cluster ID
By Comparison Filters
Cluster IDs
Specifies the list of Redshift cluster IDs that are to be stopped. List cluster IDs one per line.
Cluster ID Comparisons
This is a list of comparisons against the cluster ID. All comparisons must match for a cluster to be selected.
Resource Tag Comparison
This is a list of comparisons against resource tags on the Redshift cluster. All comparisons must match for a cluster to be selected.
Restart the Clusters
Indicate whether the clusters should be automatically restarted later. The restart time of the clusters must also be specified if this is checked.
Time Before Restart
Indicate the length of time the clusters should be stopped before they are restarted. This value is only required if "Restart the Clusters" is checked.
Amazon Commands Used
The following Amazon AWS commands are used. The access key should have permission to execute all of them.