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Copy AMI Images Actions
Matt Houser avatar
Written by Matt Houser
Updated over 6 years ago


The Copy AMI Images action will copy one or more AMI images within a single region, or from one region to another. For example, using this action, all images newer than 3 days can be copied from Oregon to Ireland.


Please see Common Action Settings for a description of settings common to all action types.

Image Identification Method

Indicates the method with which to identify which AMI images is to be copied. Valid options are:

  • By Image ID - Copies a single image by it's ID

  • All - Copies all images

  • Newer Than - Copies images that are newer than an indicated number of days.

AMI Image Id

Required if Image Identification Method is "By Image Id". Indicates the ID of the AMI Image to be copied. The AMI image must reside in the source region.

Newer Than

Required if Image Identification Method is "New Than". Indicates the number of days back from the execution time of the action in which any images created will be copied.

Target Region

Indicates the region in which a new AMI image should be created which is a copy of the original.

Image Name

When copying the image, the new image will have a new name applied. Specify the new name in this field. Macros can be used to include run-time data.


When copying the image, the new image will have a new description applied. Specify the new description in this field. Macros can be used to include run-time data.

Conflict Resolution Method

Indicates what should happen if an AMI image with the same name is found in the target region. Valid values are:

  • Skip Copy

  • Allow Duplicates

  • Delete and Re-copy

  • Fail and Stop

  • Fail and Continue

Copy EC2 Tags

When enabled, any EC2 resource tags associated with the source AMI image will be copied to the new AMI image.

Extra EC2 Tags

Optional. Extra EC2 tags can be assigned to the new image. Click "Add Tag" to add a tag and fill the tag data. Any number of tags can be set, although Amazon EC2 has a limit of 10 (including the Name tag). Macros can be used in the tag values to include run-time data. 

EC2 Tags

Optional. EC2 tags can be set once the AMI is complete. Click "Add Tag" to add a tag and fill the tag data. Any number of tags can be set, although Amazon EC2 has a limit of 10 (including the Name tag). Macros can be used in the tag values to include run-time data. 

Target Region

Optional. Once the AMI is complete, the AMI can be copied to another region. Indicate the region to which the AMI should be copied.

Amazon Commands Used

The following Amazon AWS commands are used. The access key should have permission to execute all of them.

  • ec2:CopyImage

  • ec2:DescribeImages

  • ec2:DescribeSnapshots

  • ec2:CreateTags

  • ec2:DescribeTags

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