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Change EBS Volumes Actions
Matt Houser avatar
Written by Matt Houser
Updated over a week ago


The Change EBS Volumes action is used to change numerous properties of an EBS volume, such as it's size, it's storage type, it's encryption key, and/or it's delete on termination flag. For example, the action could be configured to add 10 GB, convert to SSD, and to encrypt several EBS volumes.

For more information about growing EBS volumes, please see Growing EBS Volumes.


Please see Common Action Settings for a description of settings common to all action types.

Volume Identification Method

Indicates the method in which EBS volumes are selected to be modified. Possible options include:

  • All EBS Volumes - Modify all EBS volumes found

  • By Volume ID - Modify EBS volumes with the specified EBS volume IDs

  • By EC2 Tag - Modify EBS volumes with a matching EC2 tag

  • Attached to All Instances - Modify any EBS volume attached to all EC2 instances found

  • Attached to Instances by Instance ID - Modify all EBS volumes attached to any EC2 instance with the specified EC2 instance IDs

  • Attached to Instances by EC2 Tag - Modify all EBS volumes attached to any EC2 instance with a matching EC2 tag

Instance IDs

Indicate the instance IDs of the EC2 instances on which the volumes are found.

Volume IDs

Indicate the volume IDs of the EBS volumes which should be modified.

EC2 Tag Name

Used to match an EBS volume or EC2 instance based on it's EC2 tags.

EC2 Tag Value

Used to match an EBS volume or EC2 instance based on it's EC2 tags.

Attached Device Name

Optional Restrict volumes to be modified only to those that are attached to EC2 instances as the specified device name.

Consistency Method

Indicates whether the attached EC2 instances should be stopped during the modifications.

Resize the Volumes

Indicates whether the volumes should be grown. Possible options are:

  • No - Do not resize the volume

  • Yes, add fixed amount - Add a fixed amount to the volume

  • Yes, add percent - Add a percent of the existing volume size

  • Yes, select final volume size- Grow the volume to a specific size

Change the Volume Type

Indicates whether the volume's storage type should be changed. Possible options are:

  • No - Do not change the storage type

  • Yes, change to Magnetic

  • Yes, change to SSD

  • Yes, change to Provisioned-IOPS

Change Volume Encryption

Indicates whether the volume's encryption should be changed. Possible options are:

  • No - Do not change the encryption

  • Yes, use the default CMK for EBS

  • Yes, use a KMS key

Change Delete On Terminate

Indicates whether the volume's delete-on-terminate flag should be changed. Possible options are:

  • Copy from the original volume

  • Delete the volume when the EC2 instance terminates

  • Do not delete the volume when the EC2 instance terminates

Copy Volume Tags

Indicate whether the tags from the original volume should be copied to the new volume.

Delete Intermediate Snapshots

During the change process, snapshots are created from the original volume. Indicate whether this snapshots should be deleted.

Delete Old Volumes

Indicate whether the old volumes should be deleted.

Amazon Commands Used

The following Amazon AWS commands are used. The access key should have permission to execute all of them.

  • ec2:AssociateAddress

  • ec2:AttachVolume

  • ec2:CopySnapshot

  • ec2:CreateSnapshot

  • ec2:CreateTags

  • ec2:CreateVolume

  • ec2:DeleteSnapshot

  • ec2:DeleteVolume

  • ec2:DescribeAddresses

  • ec2:DescribeInstances

  • ec2:DescribeSnapshots

  • ec2:DescribeTags

  • ec2:DescribeVolumes

  • ec2:DetachVolume

  • ec2:ModifyInstanceAttribute

  • ec2:StartInstances

  • ec2:StopInstances

  • kms:DescribeKey

  • kms:ListAliases

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