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Instance Not Found
Matt Houser avatar
Written by Matt Houser
Updated over a week ago

Many of our actions specify a particular EC2 instance by it's Instance ID. This ID takes the form of i-12345678. When configuring your actions, your instance may not be found when the action is executed. The error you receive may look like the following:
The instance ID 'i-12345678' does not exist
Instance not found: i-12345678
If you see this type of error message in your action log, please check the following list for possible causes:

  1. The Instance ID may not be correct. Please confirm the Instance ID is correct by checking your AWS Management Console.

  2. The region specified for the action or Managed Instance may not be correct. Please confirm that the region specified for your action or Managed Instance matches the region in which your instance exists.

  3. The IAM policy document used for your IAM role or access key may be attempting to use resource-level restrictions for the ec2:DescribeInstances command. This command does not support resource-level restrictions and if used, this command will never find the desired instance. Please ensure your JSON document for your IAM permissions is using "*" for the resource. Skeddly includes an IAM Policy Document Generator which can generate a policy document for your credentials customized for your actions and options. Please see this article for more information.

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