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Export EC2 Instances Actions
Export EC2 Instances Actions
Matt Houser avatar
Written by Matt Houser
Updated over a week ago


The Export EC2 Instances action will export EC2 instances to an Amazon S3 bucket as a virtual machine image. In order to ensure consistency, the instances can be stopped and restarted when the instances are exported.

For example, an export can be done every day at 1am.

Note: To export an EC2 instance, the instance must have previously been imported from a virtual machine image. Please see Importing and Exporting Instances for more information.

Important: Before exporting your EC2 instances, please ensure you have setup the required ACL on your S3 bucket as per the prerequisites for VM export.


Please see Common Action Settings for a description of settings common to all action types.

Instance Identification Method

Indicate the method in which the instances are to be identified. Valid options are:

  • Instance ID - Identify the instances by their unique instance ID value.

  • Instance Name - Identify the instances by their "Name" tag.

  • EC2 Tag - Identify the instances by comparing EC2 tag values.

  • All Instances - Export all instances.

Instance IDs

Indicate the list of instance IDs of your EC2 instances. Instance IDs usually looks like "i-84a3dc7b". All instances must reside in the region specified. Required only if Instance Identification Method is set to "Instance ID".

Multiple instances can be added by clicking "Add many instances". In the dialog that appears, enter a space-, comma-, or line-seperated list of instance IDs.


Indicates how the Instance Name field is compared to the instance "Name" tags. Required only if Instance Identification Method is set to "Instance Name".

Instance Name

Indicate the value of the "Name" tag of the EC2 instances. This instances must reside in the region specified. Required only if Instance Identification Method is set to "Instance Name".

EC2 Tag Name

Required if Instance Identification Method is "EC2 Tag". Indicates the name of the EC2 tag used to compare.

EC2 Tag Value

Required if Instance Identification Method is "EC2 Tag". Indicates the value of the EC2 tag used to compare.

Consistency Method

Indicate the method in which to ensure volume consistency. Currently, two options exist:

  • None - do nothing

  • Stop Instance - Stop and restart the instances

Bucket Name

Name of the Amazon S3 bucket into which the exported virtual machine will be saved. This bucket must reside in the same region as the original EC2 instance.


Optional. Specify a prefix to append to the saved virtual machine's object key with. Macros can be used to specify run-time data.

Target Type

Indicates the virtual machine environment type that the instance will be saved as. Possible options include:

  • Citrix (VHD)

  • Microsoft (VHD)

  • VMware (OVA)

  • VMware (VMDK)

Amazon Commands Used

The following Amazon AWS commands are used. The IAM credentials should have permission to execute all of them.

  • ec2:CreateInstanceExportTask

  • ec2:DescribeExportTasks

  • ec2:DescribeInstances

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