The Publish SNS Message action will publish an message using Amazon Simple Notification System to a specified ARN on a regular schedule.
Please see Common Action Settings for a description of settings common to all action types.
Topic ARN
Indicate which SNS topic ARN the message should be sent to.
Optional. Indicate the subject of the message. For email subscribers, this will be the subject of the email.
Publish Type
Available options are: Simple, Raw, Protocol Specific
Simple - Sends a simple message
Raw - Sends a message along with a message structure
Protocol Specific - Sends a different message to each of the available SNS protocols.
The body of the message. Macros can be used to include run-time data. See below.
Message Structure
Available on when Publish Type is "Raw". Specify the structure of the message.
Email Message
Available when Publish Type is set to "Protocol Specific". The body of the message for email subscribers. Macros can be used to include run-time data. See below.
SQS Message
Available when Publish Type is set to "Protocol Specific". The body of the message for SQS subscribers. Macros can be used to include run-time data. See below.
SMS Message
Available when Publish Type is set to "Protocol Specific". The body of the message for SMS subscribers. Macros can be used to include run-time data. See below.
HTTP Message
Available when Publish Type is set to "Protocol Specific". The body of the message for HTTP subscribers. Macros can be used to include run-time data. See below.
HTTPS Message
Available when Publish Type is set to "Protocol Specific". The body of the message for HTTPS subscribers. Macros can be used to include run-time data. See below.
The following macros can be used to include some run-time information.
Date of snapshot in year-month-day format
Time of snapshot in 24-hour format
Macros are case-sensitive. For example, $(Time) is not valid. $(TIME) must be used.
Amazon Commands Used
The following Amazon AWS commands are used. The access key should have permission to execute all of them.