The Change EC2 Instances action can be used to change the type/size or EBS optimized property of one or more EC2 instances. Later, they can (optionally) be changed back.
For example, at 8am, a micro (t1.micro) instance can be upgraded to a large instance type (m1.large), then 8 hours later, it can be reverted back to it's original size (t1.micro).
Important Note
The instance type of an EC2 instance can only be changed when the instance is stopped. When the action is executed, if the instance is running, it will be stopped so the instance type can be changed. Afterwards, it will be restarted. If an Elastic IP address was allocated to the instance, it will be restored.
If the EC2 instance is not running, it's instance type will be changed, but the instance will not be started.
Please see Common Action Settings for a description of settings common to all action types.
Instance Identification Method
Indicates the method in which instances are selected. Possible options include:
All Instances - Selects all instances
By Instance ID - Specify specific instance IDs to report
By Instance Name - Selects instances by comparing the Name tag of EC2 instances
By Resource Tag - Selects instances by comparing any Resource tag
Instance IDs
Indicates the list of instance IDs of the EC2 instances that are to be reported. This value usually looks like "i-84a3dc7b". These instances must reside in the region specified.
Instance Name
The comparison to use when comparing the EC2 instance 'Name' tag.
Resource Tag Name
The name of the Resource tag used to select the instances.
Resource Tag Value
The Resource tag value used to select the instances.
Deregister from Load Balancers
When selected, the instances will be deregistered and re-registered with any Elastic Load Balancers when the instances are stopped..
Instance Type
Optional. Specify the instance type (machine size) that the instance should be changed to.
EBS Optimized
Optional. Indicates whether the instance is optimized for EBS I/O. This optimization isn't available with all instance types.
Revert the Instance Type
Indicate whether the instance type should be automatically reverted later. The running time of the instance must also be specified if this is checked.
Running Duration
Indicate the length of time the instance should remain at the new instance type before it is reverted. This value is only required if "Revert the Instance Type" is checked.
Amazon Commands Used
The following Amazon AWS commands are used. The access key should have permission to execute all of them.