The Terminate EC2 Instances action can be used to terminate one or more EC2 instances at a specific time of day.
For example, 3 instances can be terminated automatically at 8pm.
Please see Common Action Settings for a description of settings common to all action types.
Instance Identification Method
Indicates the method in which instances are selected. Possible options include:
By Instance ID - Specify specific instance IDs to terminate
By Instance Name - Selects instances by comparing the Name tag of EC2 instances
By EC2 Tag - Selects instances by comparing any EC2 tag
All Instances - Selects all instances
Instance IDs
Indicates the list of instance IDs of the EC2 instances that are to be terminated. This value usually looks like "i-84a3dc7b". These instances must reside in the region specified.
Instance Name Comparison
The comparison type with which the instance name will be compared.
Instance Name
The comparison value to use when comparing the EC2 instance name.
EC2 Tag Name
The name of the EC2 tag used to select the instances.
EC2 Tag Value
The EC2 tag value used to select the instances.
Minimum Instance Age
Indicate whether an EC2 instance must be running for a minimum number of days before it can be terminated.
Older Than
Required when "Minimum Instance Age" is set to "Yes". Specifies the minimum number of days.
Instance States
Indicate whether an EC2 instance must be in a particular state to be terminated.
Required Instance States
Specifies the required states for instances to be in order to be terminated.
Create Final AMI Image
Indicate whether a final AMI image should be created before the EC2 instance is terminated.
Image Name
Required when "Create Final AMI Image" is set to "Yes". Specifies the name of the final AMI image.
Specifies the description for the final AMI image.
EC2 Tags
Specifies any EC2 tags that are to be added to the final AMI image and associated EBS snapshots.
Disable Termination Protection
Indicate whether termination protection should be disabled on the EC2 instances before being terminated. If not enabled, termination will fail if termination protection is enabled.
Amazon Commands Used
The following Amazon AWS commands are used. The credentials should have permission to execute all of them.