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Registering Azure Credentials With Skeddly
Registering Azure Credentials With Skeddly
Matt Houser avatar
Written by Matt Houser
Updated over a week ago

To use Skeddly with your Microsoft Azure account, you must create an IAM app. Please follow these instructions to create and register your app with Skeddly.

1. Sign-in to your Skeddly account.
2. Go to the "Credentials" page by clicking "Credentials" then "Credentials" in the left navigation pane.
3. Click the "Register Credentials" button.
4. Click the "Azure" tab.
5. Click the "Register an Azure credential" button.

Keep this page open, and start a new browser and/or tab in your browser.

Step 1: Get your Azure Active Directory ID.

1. Sign in to the Azure portal
2. From the navigation panel, select "Azure Active Directory".

3. On the directory's "Overview" page, copy the "Tenant ID" into the "Azure Active Directory Tenant ID" field in Skeddly.

Step 2. Create a Directory "App" for Skeddly

1. Go to the directory's "App registrations" page.
2. Click the "+New Application Registration" button

3. Enter the following information:

  • Name: Skeddly

  • Supported account types: Accounts in this organizational directory only

  • Redirect URI: leave blank

4. Click the blue "Register" button.
5. The new app's "Overview" page should appear. Copy & paste the app's "Application (client) ID" into the "Application (client) ID" field on the Skeddly page.

Step 3. Create a "Key Value" for your new app

1. Still with the app's properties page open, go to the "Certificates & Secrets" page.

2. Click the "+New client secret" button.

3. Enter a friendly description, and an appropriate duration.

Important: You will need to update this key some time before the expiry date, otherwise your Skeddly actions will start failing.

4. Click "Add".
5. Copy & paste the new key's "Value" into the "Key Value" field on the Skeddly page.
โ€‹Warning: You cannot retrieve it again later.

Step 4. Get your Azure Subscription ID

1. From the main Azure navigation panel, click "Subscriptions". If you don't see it in the left navigation panel, find it under "All Services".
2. Select your Azure subscription.
3. Go to your subscription's "Overview" page, copy & paste the subscription's "Subscription ID" into the "Subscription ID" field on the Skeddly page.

Step 5. Create an IAM user for Skeddly

1. Go to your subscription's "Access Control (IAM)" page.
2. Click the "+Add" button, then "Add role assignment".

3. Under "Role", choose your desired role for Skeddly. "Owner" will work, but you may want to choose a more restrictive role.
4. Under "Assign access to", choose "Azure AD user, group or application".
5. Under "Select", search for the "Skeddly" app you created above.
6. When it appears in the search results, click it's name. You should see it added under "Selected members".
7. Click "Save".

Step 6. Complete Registration on the Skeddly Page

At this point, the 4 Azure fields should be filled on your Skeddly page.

1. Fill in the "Credential's Name" with a meaningful name.
2. Click the "Register Azure Credential" button.

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