When you create additional users for your Skeddly account, they will see something like the following on the top bar when they sign-in to Skeddly:
Signed-in as: user1 @ primary1
The "user1" part is the username of the user that has signed-in.
The "primary1" part is the username of the root user of the Skeddly account.
To display something different after the @ character, you can set an Account Alias. By setting an Account Alias to something like "My Company Inc.", your team will see the following when signed in:
Signed-in as: user1 @ My Company Inc.
To set an Account Alias:
Sign-in to your Skeddly account using the root user, or a user with full rights.
On the left navigation menu, click "Users & Identity" then "Account Alias".
Supply your desired account alias and click "Save". Leave the field blank to remove any alias.